The plot is based on the adventures of Lighty and his friends in Robocity; a place inhabited only by extraordinary creatures called Robics. Robics are similar to people in every sense; they go to work in the morning and their kids go to school. They all sometimes get into unusual situations. Lighty, Crepa and Flex are the main daredevils of Robocity. Their naughty pranks rock the entire city. The most interesting part begins when Lighty finds an interesting chip right before his assembly day. This finding changes the lives of the entire Robocity population; when the chip is activated, it gives Lighty superpowers he could never have dreamed of. Meanwhile, mysterious Sigma gets into town, putting its safety in jeopardy. Omicron, an old villain and Robocity governor's twin-brother, escapes from the prison. He plans to steal Fireflies that supply energy to all robics, from the Custodian Towers. Lighty and his friends are the only ones who can save Robocity from Omicron and his treacherous plan. While saving the town they discover the secret history of Robocity; how it was founded, what lies beyond its borders and the mystery behind their own creation. All of this can be seen in the first season of the animation series "Robiki"