The events of the first season ("Operation" Typhoon ") of adventure series "Assignments of special importance" take place in the beginning of the World War II. The main character - Captain Suslov, is experienced Soviet spy-saboteur, who has to destroy a strategic fuel depot, located behind enemy lines in occupied territory. Task is almost impossible, but there are no impossible tasks for Suslov.
Suslov forms a team of young scouts. It consists of two guys - Vesnin and Skorik (sniper and engineer), radio operator Arina and guide Seraphima. The development of personal relationships between them, friendship, love and jealousy will become an emotional core of the film.
Suslov confronts major Kunz - calculating and cold-blooded Abwehr officer who uses the personal patronage of Admiral Canaris. The conflict between Suslov and Kunz, also a professional scout, is the driving force of the plot. Suslov is the personal enemy for Kunz. He wants to catch Suslov alive by all means, so that he could kill him personally.
On the way towards the goal Suslov and his team will always get in bind situations. They will have to overcome obstacles, find themselves face to face with the enemy, and suffer the loss of a comrade. Several times their mission would be in jeopardy, but each time the faith in victory, courage and the unique qualities of the main character, will find a way out of this situation.